Monday, November 20, 2006

The Teacher Doubled

So initially, I was sent this photo of this cheesy fro dude on the subway by guest jerk hunter, Jesse. Haha I says. Then I went out Friday night to one of those places where they have a stage on the dancefloor, you know so all the cheesiest people can get up there and sing along to everyone else? So there was SubwayFro's Twinsy, who I nicknamed The Teacher. For EVERY song, he "mouthed along", and I say mouth instead of sang along, because dudeman didn't know ANY words, he just kind of looked like a vantriliquist doll. Anyway, he'd be all mouthy and point his finger to his temple, like "THINK ABOUT THIS, PEOPLE"..and I thought about it. I thought long and hard about what The Teacher may be trying to convey to me.


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