Friday, March 02, 2007

This Guy!

Whoa, I've been slacking lately. Sorry, letting my social butterfly life consume me.
So, did you ever go to one of those Camel Cigs sponsored "concerts"? Talk about WEIRD CROWD. aka a jerk goldmine. The band I saw actually said "we hope that later you enjoy some Camel Cigarettes". Anyway, I had to walk up to this dude dancing and snap his photo. I don't know if it was the saucy removal of his leather jacket, or the fact that it revealed an ALL LEATHER sleeveless mock turtleneck body suit with parachute pants bottoms that reminds me of that store called "One Price $7" or "DOTS" (don't lie, you know that store), or that his pleather/leather pants pockets were full of no-doubt important bulky items, or that he needed giant white sunglasses to shield him from the bright lights of the concert, or that his hair reminded me of Buster Poindexter or that he was all dressed up to dance with some long haired hippy chick rather than an equally amazing leathery mommy or daddy, but yea I dig him.


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